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Irene Bynum
生于 Georgia
63 years
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Its hard to think of my mom and not think of you . I Miss you both so much and will always remember the friendship you'll had. I remember spending the night at your house when I was a very little girl. I remember your mother keeping me after school. There arent many people that have been friends with the same person for over 50 years. It has been said that some people are in your life for a season but Im so grateful that my mother had a friend for a lifetime!! I will never forget the day you came to the hospital to see her you were looking so cute and so excited about coming to see her and when you found out that she was gone, it was like you died right then, I couldnt bare to see the hurt in you. I wll also never foget the love I felt every time I talked to you after that day. I know she knew you would look after us if she left before you did!! My heart is hurting right now but Im also grateful for the life and time you and my mother spent togather as true friends!!! I love you Mrs, Irene and ALWAYS will!!!
Irena Guest
I have so many memories...I don't even know where to start... You taught me everything I know... You raised me to be the young lady I am today!... If it wasnt for you I dont know where I would be today!... This is the hardest part of my life right now and I'm missing you like crazy...I still cant beleive yu are gone...But at least you are gone to a better place!& I know you are watching over me!... & Ima do all I can in life to make you proud.... I love you grandma!.... & Im going crazy without u! <3
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